• 【光华讲坛】IMPACT OF DODD-FRANK ON CEO PAY AND BANK RISK(美国Dodd-Frank银行监管法案对银行高管薪酬和银行风险影响)
    发布时间:2023-11-14 查看次数:


    主 题:IMPACT OF DODD-FRANK ON CEO pay AND bank risk(美国Dodd-Frank银行监管法案对银行高管薪酬和银行风险影响)

    主讲人:会计学院 笪亨果

    主持人:会计学院 赵珂意

    时 间:2023年11月29日 11:15-12:15

    地 点:柳林校区诚正楼 650会议室

    主办单位:新时代中国特色财务与会计理论创新与方法体系研究团队 会计学院 科研处


    We examine how bank equity risk is impacted by changes in the structure of bank CEO compensation from the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act.  We use the generalized diff-in-diff methodology of Djourelova (2023) and find significant differences between high and low pay-risk sensitivity banks. Specifically, we find differences in performance-vesting restricted stock awards, LTIPs, and anti-hedging provisions increased after Dodd-Frank, and time-vesting options grants and annual bonuses decreased. Instrumenting for these differences in compensation structure, we find that a bank’s idiosyncratic bank risk went down in the post-Dodd-Frank period, and this reduction is driven by high pay-risk banks. No significant effect is found for differences in bank equity performance.
