• 【光华讲坛】​95周年校庆会计学术系列讲座(The Effect of Accounting for Expected Credit Losses on Trade Credit: Evidence from IFRS 9 Adoption​)
    发布时间:2020-11-30 查看次数:


    主题The Effect of Accounting for Expected Credit Losses on Trade Credit: Evidence from IFRS 9 Adoption


    主讲人:中央财经大学会计学院 李晓

    主持人:西南财经大学会计学院 赵海龙


    直播平台及会议ID:腾讯会议 874 321 052

    主办单位:会计学院 科研处

    主讲人简介:李晓,中央财经大学会计学院审计系讲师。2017年博士毕业于香港理工大学会计金融学院。主要研究方向包括审计、财务会计、企业内部控制等。目前已有多篇论文发表于Contemporary Accounting Research (forthcoming), Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of International Accounting Research等。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项。


    While the objective of accounting is to reflect a firm's underlying economic transactions, the need to account for these transactions can impose additional accounting costs on the transactions. In this paper, we examine whether the higher cost of accounting for the supply of trade credit affects the trade credit that firms provide to their customers. Relying on an exogenous increase in accounting costs arising from the switch from the incurred credit loss model to the expected credit loss model with the adoption of IFRS 9, we find that firms reduce the provision of trade credit after adoption. This finding is consistent with higher accounting costs having a real effect on corporate financing decisions in supplier-customer relationships. We further find that the reduction in trade credit after IFRS 9 adoption is more pronounced when the accounting costs of the switch to the expected credit loss model are likely to be higher: for firms in low trust countries, for those that face more stringent auditing and for firms that operate in an environment where it is more difficult to estimate expected credit losses. Overall, our paper highlights that accounting policies that impose accounting costs can have real effects on the underlying economic transactions.

    会计的目的是反映企业的基本经济活动,但对企业交易进行会计处理可能会给交易增加额外的会计成本。文章研究了会计成本是否会影响企业向其客户提供商业信用。新金融工具准则中已发生损失减值模型改为预期信用损失减值模型,准则的变更产生了会计成本的外生增长。基于此,我们发现企业在采用新的会计准则后会减少商业信用的提供。这一发现也表明,较高的会计成本会对公司在供应链客户关系中的融资决策有实际影响。文章进一步发现,在低信任度国家的公司,以及在监管审核严格、对预期信用损失难以估计的环境中运营的公司,采用IFRS 9后商业信用的减少会更加明显。总体而言,我们认为增加会计成本的会计政策可能会对基础经济交易产生实质影响。