主题:Quantitative economic history of the Qing Dynasty and modern banking development of China (清代量化经济史与中国现代银行的发展)
主讲人:苏州大学 顾乾坤 副教授
主持人:西南财经大学 黄健 副教授
时间:2024-6-21 10:00-11:00
主办单位:新时代中国特色财务与会计理论创新与方法体系研究团队 数字经济重大基础理论与实践创新研究团队 会计学院 科研处
顾乾坤是香港中文大学商学院金融学博士,苏州大学商学院副教授。他的研究方向包括公司财务、家族企业、经济史。顾乾坤的研究成果发表在Journal of Law and Economics,International Review of Financial Analysis, Accounting and Finance,Economic Modelling,China Journal of Accounting Research,Finance Research Letters,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,Asia-Pacific Economic History Review,经济管理,新财富等国内外期刊。他主持一项国家自然科学基金,参与多项国家级和省部级课题。获得第五届香樟金融学论坛优秀论文奖,第五届“中国工业经济学会青年杯”提名奖。担任Economic Modelling, International Journal of Finance & Economics, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, Finance Research Letters, China Journal of Accounting Research,China Journal of Accounting Studies, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Pacific Economic Review,Economic Analysis and Policy,《经济管理》等刊物的匿名审稿人。他还是Family Glory家族企业研究助理,参与多家上市家族企业的商业咨询。
The Qing Dynasty, being the most recent feudal dynasty in China's history, marked the beginning of the transformative period of China's modern history at its end. Quantifying the history of the Qing Dynasty and examining its impact on China's financial development is pivotal for understanding the relative lag in the development of China's modern financial markets and the Great Divergence between China and the West. Using modern banking data from 1896 to 1936 as a measure of financial development, we analyze the effect of the literary policy changes by comparing regions that involved in the literary policy changes with adjacent regions that did not. The results reveal that the literary policy changes significantly reduced the number of modern banks, and this effect remains significant even after controlling for geographic, economic, cultural, and political variables. By using the distance to the hometowns of four prominent scholars from the late Ming and early Qing periods as an instrumental variable, we find the effect of the literary policy remains robust. Our mechanism analysis indicates that the impact of the literary policy was primarily achieved through the weakening of social capital and the reduction of external financing demand, which further increased market interest rates and the incidence of emergency loans. Additionally, our findings suggest that the mitigating effects of modern technological shocks (the telegraph and the postal network) on the negative impact of the literary policy changes are effective in the short term but not in the long term.