The School’s Academic Affairs Committee develops the learning goals of each degree program with six AoL committees. The assurance of learning system in each degree program is established and modified using the following procedures:
Step 1: Development of Learning Goals– The Academic Affairs Committee considered the current LGs for programs based on the mission and vision of the School and took various opinions into full consideration, including feedback from on-campus students with regard to learning, feedback from graduates, alumni, and employers, public expectation of graduates and the expectation of the graduates themselves, then the committee initiates the process of modifying the program’s mission and LGs with AoL Committees;
Step 2: Development of Learning Objectives and Curricula Mapping– After the establishment of the LGs, the AoL Committees further broke down the LGs to develop the corresponding LOs and their evaluation criteria. With a complete set of the LGs and LOs, the AoL Committees determined all the relevant courses for each program and developed curricula mapping after discussing these matters with other faculty members;
Step 3: Development of Rubrics– To assess the learning outcomes of each LO, each AoL Committee also developed assessment rubrics which include LGs, LOs and the corresponding traits of each LO. This information is used when designing corresponding assessment tools for each LO. The members of the Academic Affairs Committee proposed their own suggestions towards the LOs and rubrics. The AoL Committees revised the related document in accordance with Academic Affairs Committee’s opinions and suggestions;
Step 4: Determination of Assessment Tools– The assessment tool include course-embedded final exams, presentations, course papers, case studies, thesis and defense, etc. Each semester, each AoL Committee selected assessment tools for each evaluated courses according to the rubrics;
Step 5: Data Collection – The school hires AoL assistants for each evaluated course and these assistants are responsible for collecting the original data in each course;
Step 6: Data Analysis – After AoL assistant collect the data from each student, each curriculum team leader should submit a curriculum analysis report to their program director. After reviewing the curriculum analysis report, the program director should submit AoL program report to the AoL Committees and the Academic Affairs Committees;
Step 7: Curriculum Revision and/or Proposed Actions – The Academic Affairs Committees of the School and each AoL Committee hold annual meetings at the different levels to analyze the results. The results of these meetings are the AoL continuous improvement reports covering the modification or improvement actions to each program;
Step 8: Closing the Loop – After the implementation of the suitable modification in the next assessment round, the continuous improvement loop can be closed and one complete cycle will be fulfilled.