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【光华讲坛】Does employee social media influence CEO risk-taking incentives? Evidence from Glassdoor coverage (员工社交媒体是否影响CEO风险承担动机?来自于Glassdoor覆盖的证据)

来源: 日期:2024-10-25作者: 浏览量:


主题:Does employee social media influence CEO risk-taking incentives? Evidence from Glassdoor coverage (员工社交媒体是否影响CEO风险承担动机?来自于Glassdoor覆盖的证据)

主讲人:对外经济贸易大学 杨格

主持人:西南财经大学 会计学院 华晨

时间:2024-11-19 10:30-12:00







We investigate the strategic adjustments made by corporate boards to CEO compensation structures in response to coverage by Glassdoor.com, a platform known for collecting and disseminating employee satisfaction reviews. Utilizing the staggered introduction of first-time reviews on Glassdoor, we employ a stacked difference-indifferences empirical design and find strong evidence that the CEO’s portfolio vega increases after the first Glassdoor review. This finding is consistent with the conjecture that online employee reviews pressure CEOs towards risk aversion, prompting boards to strategically increase CEOs’ risk-taking incentives to counteract this effect. Our analysis reveals that the observed increase in portfolio vega is attenuated in firms characterized by higher employee ratings, lower dependency on human capital, superior financial performance, or more entrenched boards. Conversely, the effect is amplified in firms with a higher number of industry peers reviewed on Glassdoor, less tenured CEOs, or younger CEOs. The robustness of our findings is confirmed through a broad array of alternative specifications, measures, and methodologies aimed at addressing potential endogeneity concerns. Overall, our results offer compelling evidence that boards proactively consider the influence of online employee reviews on CEOs’ risk preferences when crafting executive compensation packages, underscoring the critical interplay between employee social media and corporate governance practices.