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【光华讲坛】Credit Information Sharing and the Voluntary Use of Audit in Private firms (信用信息共享与私人企业自愿审计)

来源: 日期:2024-10-17作者: 浏览量:


主题:Credit Information Sharing and the Voluntary Use of Audit in Private firms (信用信息共享与私人企业自愿审计)

主讲人:香港城市大学 李惟

主持人:西南财经大学 黄健

时间:2024-10-22 10:00-11:00


主办单位:数字经济与交叉科学创新研究院数字经济重大基础理论与实践创新研究团队 大数据会计教学与研究中心 会计学院 科研处


李惟是新加坡南洋理工大学金融学博士,香港城市大学助理教授。他的研究方向包括公司财务,信息披露、审计、社会联系、环境、社会和治理(ESG)等。他的研究成果发表在Management Science、Journal of Accounting Research 等金融、会计国际顶尖期刊上。参与多项国家级课题,另有多篇高质量的工作论文。


This paper investigates how the presence of public credit registries (PCR) affects firms’ voluntary use of audits. Based on a sample of firm-level data from 55 countries, we find that PCR increase the demand for external auditing services among private firms. This increase arises because auditing allows firms to better harness the expected benefits from information sharing via PCR, namely, access to greater external financing on better terms. An identification strategy based on the initiation of PCR provides causal inference. Overall, our paper provides evidence that lenders’ improved information access to borrowing firms through PCR, an important type of financial market institution, may complement firms’ voluntary use of auditing services.
