主题:Are Hedgers Favored in Derivatives Markets? Evidence from CDS Transactions
主讲人:对外经济贸易大学金融学院 施一宁 博士
主持人:会计学院 田思杨 副教授
直播平台及会议ID:腾讯会议:732 670 922
主办单位:会计学院 科研处
施一宁博士现任对外经济贸易大学金融学院助理教授,2016年获得伦敦帝国理工金融学博士学位。此前获得了伦敦帝国理工金融工程与风向管理硕士学位和诺丁汉大学金融会计与管理学士学位。施一宁的研究领域主要包括信用风险,中国房地产与对外开放。她在Journal of Financial Markets, European Financial Management 等国际学术期刊上发表过多篇论文, 并主持国家自然科学基金1项。
Using CDS transaction-level data, we document that CDS spread is lower for hedgers than for speculators. That is, for two investors who buy CDS on the same reference name from the same CDS seller, the one who buys CDS for hedging receives a more favorable price than the other for speculation. The price discount hedgers started to emerge after the 2008-09 credit crisis. The price discount is more pronounced in dealer-to-client trading, and in more volatile markets. Our findings provide evidence for price discrimination against speculators, a common assumption made in the over-the-counter derivatives literature. Meanwhile, our finding is not explained by trader sophistication or private information from holding the reference debt. Overall, our results suggest that hedgers are favored in the CDS market, and the post-crisis regulations on CDS trading may have led ‘naked’ CDS transaction to be more expensive.