主题:Cross-Border Information Exchange and Analyst Forecasts
主讲人:香港理工大学会计和金融学院 向易 博士
主持人:会计学院 赵尘副教授
时间:2021年4月13日 15:00-16:30
直播平台及会议ID:腾讯会议 215 122 897
主办单位:会计学院 科研处
向易博士现任香港理工大学会计和金融学院科研助理教授,2020年获得昆士兰大学会计博士学位。此前获得了昆士兰大学高级会计硕士学位和中南财经政法大学财政学学士学位。向易的研究领域主要包括财务会计,审计以及公司金融。相关在审论文已投稿在The Accounting Review, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Review of Accounting Studies等国际学术期刊。
We examine the effect of cross-border regulatory cooperation and information exchange on analyst earnings forecasts. Using the staggered entry of foreign countries into the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MMoU) as a shock to analysts’ information environment, we find that firms cross-listed in the U.S. show a greater level of analyst following and a significant reduction in analyst forecast error and dispersion after their foreign home countries join the MMoU. Furthermore, the effect of the MMoU on analysts tends to be stronger for cross-listed firms with a greater level of information opacity, for analysts with greater difficulty forecasting cross-listed firms, and for industries/analysts covering a greater number of firms that receive comment letters from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Collectively, our findings support the conjecture that enhanced cross-border information exchange achieved by closer cooperation between securities regulators has a positive effect on analysts’ information environment.