• 【光华讲坛】Partisan regulatory actions: evidence from the SEC (党派性监管行动:来自SEC的证据)
    发布时间:2024-06-24 查看次数:


    主题:Partisan regulatory actions: evidence from the SEC  党派性监管行动:来自SEC的证据)

    主讲人: 罗彻斯特大学 沈星宇

    主持人: 会计学院 赵柄皓 副教授

    时间:2024-07-02 14:00-15:30


    主办单位:新时代中国特色财务与会计理论创新与方法体系研究团队 数字经济重大基础理论与实践创新研究团队 中国管理会计自主知识体系及实践案例研究团队 会计学院 科研处


    沈星宇目前就读于美国罗彻斯特大学,目前是其会计学博士项目四年级学生。沈星宇的研究兴趣覆盖政治经济学 (political economy),会计的实际影响 (real effects of accounting),会计在劳动力市场和产品市场的作用 (role of accounting in labor and product markets)。



    We study the influence of political partisanship in SEC investigations and AAER enforcement actions against financial misconduct. We find that the SEC is more likely to launch an investigation against a firm that is misaligned with the agency’s political ideology than for other firms. The likelihood of an AAER appears unaffected by political misalignment, but once named in an AAER, a misaligned firm faces harsher penalties than other firms. We find higher Type I error rates (more false positives) in SEC investigations among misaligned firms and higher Type II error rates (more false negatives) among non-misaligned firms, suggesting misallocation of scarce enforcement resources due to partisanship.