发布时间:2016-11-30 查看次数:


题:Power and Productivity in Chinese Academia

主讲人:西南财经大学经济管理学院 肖伟 副教授

主持人:西南财经大学会计学院 曹春方 副教授





AbstractPower in Chinese academia has drawn criticism from both the public and academic researchers. To investigate how power affects the productivity of researchers in Chinese universities, we construct a panel dataset for deans of the school of economics or finance by combining their publication records and their personal characteristics. Using an event-study strategy, we find that gaining of power significantly increases research productivity of a dean. The increase stems from coauthored work with other researchers within his/her university. The power effect is significantly smaller for top journals and top universities. These patterns appear most consistent with the interpretation that power in Chinese academia affects resource allocation and influences publication.

Keywords: Power, Academia, China

JEL codes: A14, J44, J53

肖伟副教授于2014年加入西南财经大学经济与管理研究院。加入西南财大之前,肖伟副教授分别在斯德哥尔摩大学和南开大学获得经济学博士、硕士与学士学位。肖伟博士的主要研究领域为城市经济学和劳动经济学,包括城市劳动力市场、城乡人口流动、劳动力市场上的犯罪以及高等教育等。肖伟博士的论文发表于Journal of Regional Science Regional Science and Urban Economics等杂志。

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